
Posts Tagged ‘The New Yorker’

Fascinating Article on the Bin Laden Raid

19 July 2012 4 comments

I’ve always been fascinated by the military and top secret plans and classified information.  My guess is many people probably are.  The most recent example of this is the Navy SEALS thoroughly planned and highly secretive raid to capture Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011 in Pakistan.  The wide-spread picture of our military leaders watching the raid (right) and the raw emotion that they convey is indeed worth 1,000 words.

However, for even more detail, I recommend reading this article from The New Yorker because its 8 times as detailed as that.  Yep – 8,000+ words.  It’s loooong, but very worth it.  It goes into great detail about the intelligence, planning, preparation, practice, and execution of the infamous raid.

I didn’t read this article in one sitting and I doubt you would either.  If you haven’t signed up for the free service (they have a paid version as well) called Instapaper, I highly recommend you do so and then use it for this.  Instapaper is simple – you save webpages and articles you want to read later.  It’s best use is on mobile devices so when you’re stuck somewhere with nothing to do, you can catch up on things you want to read.  The best part is, it keeps track of where you are in an article so you can piecemeal your way through it.  Try it out!

Here’s the article from The New Yorker entitled ‘Getting Bin Laden‘: