
Posts Tagged ‘internet’

Quora: The Most Intriguing and Fun Site on the Web

20 February 2013 1 comment

In my opinion, it’s easy to get addicted to Facebook.  It’s like brain candy; it’s such a guilty pleasure to get constant updates of what people are doing and what they think.  Plus, how else would you keep track of everyone’s birthday!?  Unfortunately, there’s generally very little sustenance to what’s posted on there.


Breaking Bad (TV Series) topic page

On the other hand, there’s a great site that’s just as addicting and is loaded with an incredible amount of knowledge.  The site is called Quora and is essentially a question and answer site, but with a twist.  Anyone can ask questions and anyone can answer them; however, the twist is users vote on answers, which causes them to “bubble” to the top.  Plus, you can “follow” specific questions, users, and topics that interest you. When you follow a question, you get notified of any new answers that are written.  When you follow users and topics, they’re used to curate what you see when you log into Quora.

It may not seem all that clear from my description, but I think if you give it a try, you’ll get sucked in!

I really enjoy the site because the huge range of questions and topics that are addressed.  Plus, there is such a large (and growing) set of users that are answering questions, there ends up being an abundant amount of unique perspectives.  These particular questions come to mind when considering unique perspectives:

It’s really hard to list some of my favorites because there have been so many, but here’s a shot at it.

Favorite Questions:

A Question I Asked That Got Popular:

Favorite Answers:

My Best Answers:

Sample Topics:

Favorite People:

Or maybe I should have saved all this time and just shared this link:

I’ll look forward to you joining Quora (it’s free, of course) and following me, so I can follow you back.  Feel free to comment here with any questions!

My Review of Roku 2 XS Streaming Player

1 February 2012 Leave a comment

Originally submitted at Roku

Adds an enhanced remote for playing games, plus extra connectivity options.

Helped me painlessly cut the cable cord!

By Hurls from Buffalo, NY on 2/1/2012
5out of 5

Pros: Great value, High quality picture, Easy to use, Compact, Reliability, Easy to set up, Built in Wi-Fi

Cons: Best to have great router, Need fast internet service

Best Uses: Secondary TV, Primary TV, Kids Play Room, Living room, Bedroom

Describe Yourself: Early adopter, Home entertainment enthusiast, Technophile, Power User, Family man

The viewing options on the Roku are fantastic! So many shows and movies, plus now they’re adding games so it’s becoming even more addicting! I know they’ll continue to add channels and content, so it’s going to continue to grow. Hopefully someday they get YouTube and some kind of NFL or NCAA football, then the device may be nearly perfect!