
Posts Tagged ‘lifehack’

Battling Inflammation

Everyone knows when they sprain an ankle or bump their head that there’s going to be pain and swelling to follow. Typically we take an anti-inflammatory pill and maybe use ice to make it feel better. That we can all agree on. (Although the use of drugs here could be debated. The body uses inflammation as a defense mechanism to help heal itself. Trying to counter the inflammation certainly helps the pain factor, but also inhibits the healing. Just food for thought.)

Another point to be made in these cases is the injury usually can’t be prevented. Trips and falls are part of life and simply have to be dealt with. The reason I state this obvious observation will make sense later in this post.

However, there’s growing evidence of other types of inflammation that’s harming us. This type of inflammation is avoidable and yet we keep doing it to ourselves – typically without even realizing it.  It’s frustrating that more people (especially doctors) aren’t aware of this and no one educates us.  Of course, that’s why I’m writing this: to spread the word!

GrainsI’ve written about it in this blog before but I’m writing about it again because I think it’s extremely important.  I want everyone to educate themselves as best as possible on how to live a better, more pain free life. Plus I’ve come across two outside blog posts which break down the crux of this problem with much better details than I can provide.  Once again, the problem I’m writing about is what we eat.  More specifically… grains.

But first, I’d like to digress with a disclaimer…

I’m never quite sure how my writing comes across to others, but let me state it for the record here that in no way am I belittling anyone or judging their lifestyles.  A lot of the things I believe and practice are relatively new to me because I’m always tweaking and experimenting with what works.  That’s the important part here – educate yourself as much as you can to make the best decisions for you and your family.  What works best for me may not be best for you, but the only way you know is if you learn about it and try it.  Now then…

Despite your thoughts on Paleo, you should check out these articles.  Many of you will think these posts are crazy, but try to have an open mind.  What if they’re right?  What if you tried out what they’re suggesting?  What if your changes worked and you felt better and/or looked better as a result?  Only one way to find out!

Here are the two blog posts I keep referring to:

I know I’ve seen a number of positive changes in myself and my family since going primarily grain-free.  Otherwise, why would I be so passionate about sharing with you?!

As usual, I’d love to hear your thoughts and results if you’ve tried cutting grains!

Motivational Quotes

One of the many e-mail I receive during the week is a daily “Free Thought” from  It’s typically a brief quote and I always find it worthwhile reading.  Today’s quote is very appropriate for me and my constant struggle with wanting everything to be perfect:

If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.

– Win Borden

I’d also like to share the quotes I’ve posted around my office.  They are thoughts that motivate me to stay organized, positive, and driven.  Hopefully you enjoy them!

If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.

David Allen, author of Getting Things Done

I like my data raw, and my analysis well done

@cariaso (no idea who this is, but LOVE the quote)

Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.

– Abe Lincoln

A ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.

– William Shedd

Failures are lessons you learn on the way to success.

Andy Andrews

Nobody can make you mad or hurt your feelings. You do those things all by yourself.

– Ann Landers





Finally, here’s a collection of great pieces of advice.  Take all of it to heart and act upon it!

Holstee Manifesto






I want to link to the other things I’ve got posted on my office wall, as I think they’re both incredible pieces of work:

Merlin Mann – Better.

Steve Jobs – Stanford Commencement Speech

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