
Archive for September, 2013

Breaking Bad Tribute

24 September 2013 Leave a comment

Breaking BadLike many people, I’ve been completely sucked into the popular AMC TV show, Breaking Bad.  With the final episode of the final season in the horizon, I wanted to share my favorite articles, videos, and podcasts that I’ve come across.  Some are entertaining, some are funny, and some actually enhance the show.  But, keep in mind – almost all of the links will include some kind of spoiler if you’re not caught up with the last season!

Also like many people, I “binge watched” Breaking Bad starting in 2012.  I flew through the first 4 Seasons to catch up before Season 5 started in July of that year.  It’s amazing how addicting the show is and yet it has still gotten better every season.  Without further ado…

Breaking Bad Links

Breaking Bad Recaps on

Last, and certainly not least are the recap articles that Andy Greenwald writes on Grantland every Monday.  I simply can’t recommend these articles enough.  He dissects each episode and interjects some brilliant insight, all while waxing poetic.  Unfortunately he didn’t start until Season 5, but for your reading pleasure, I’ve listed them all here.  I would suggest going back and reading some of the old ones!

If anyone has any other links they like, please add them in the comments!  I’m sure there’s a lot of other great material out there and once the show is over, I know us fans will be craving anything we can to relive the show.

“I am the one who blogs”…


Here are some additional links I’ve come across since the show ended: