
Posts Tagged ‘NBC’

Can a Gluten-Free Lifestyle Help Defy Aging?

3 October 2012 Leave a comment

I’ve mentioned him numerous times on my blog.  Paleo poster-boy, superstar blogger, and all-around health / fitness stud, Mark Sisson, will be on Brian William’s Rock Center tomorrow night (Thursday, 10/4/2012 10pm EST) on NBC.  If this one minute preview is any indication, it should be a very interesting and informative interview.

Mark talks about how cutting out gluten (and going Paleo) eliminated his arthritis and seasonal allergies.  And it goes without saying it’s given him more energy and a pretty impressive physique (for a 59 year old!).

“Gluten is poison.”  – Mark Sisson

"Grains are just beige blob that don't taste that great. They're just a cheap source of calories that converts to glucose. Gluten is poison."